

lunedì, maggio 12, 2014

One Year (or more) later...

I'm always surprised to see how much life changes in one year. If I look back to my latest post in this blog, dated on January 2013, I realize that in such a short timeframe lots of things have happened. You never get bored... even if it seems your day by day life is actually boring - you know, same work, same activities and on.

Well, my last year has been quite intense, my second son was born in august and from there on I forgot what the word sleeping really means. And guys, it is really harder to get into the water when you have to take care after two little devils. Their mother will certainly help, but it's not enough. I discovered the time available through out the day is alway shorter - like two or three hours out of 24 are always missing. But I will try to keep this up to date, as kite is still my passion.

I recently spent some holydays in Sotavento, Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) where I scored six out of six days with strong winds (average 27knots). Good weather, good friend and lot of fun. Check this video out, brought to you by Spaghetti Production as usual ;-)


2 commenti:

IL MAO ha detto...

A vedere questo video, con il vento, i colori del mare, le surfate in shorts ... mi hai fatto venire una voglia di prenotare una vacanza a Sotavento :-)
Ho giusto un po' di giorni di vacanza da far fuori a Giugno, mi sa che una settimana ci sta.
Certo che sarà dura avere la fortuna che hai avuto tu, con 6 giorni su 6 ... quando sono andato nel 2011 mi era andata male :-(

Checco ha detto...

A Giugno le statistiche sono promettenti... noi siamo stati abbastanza fortunati, tre anni prima beccammo tre giorni buoni su sette, un altro anno tre su cinque... insomma, sempre meglio che a Jeri ;-)