

lunedì, settembre 17, 2012

North depower line - broken again!

Shit happens - you know. How many of you figured out that some of your gear was missing once at the spot, almost ready for the best session of the year? Maybe you forgot the mastbase? The wetsuit? The harness?
Or - even worse - some of your gear got broken during the session, letting you on the beach completely pissed off while all your buddies are having so much fun?

Shit happens - as said - but it shouldn't happen so often. Not with the north depower line. As a matter of fact, mine got broken during the last session in Laredo, a couple of days ago, giving me no other choice than a 20minute walk down to the spot where I left the beach. 

I don't know why North is not able to provide its customers with decent depower line, something that could last more than 30/40 kiteboarding sessions. I already substituted it one year ago and now it's time to start over again. 

Back to the session... before shit happened I surfed for almost two hours in nice conditions in Laredo, the wind was blowing 15 to 20knots from East. Looots of people and swimmers...
With the remote and the bacpac on, I also tried a different mount for the GoPro, inspired by this video here:

The helmet straps are too short for the strut of the North Rebel but I find out that the mod above fits perfectly and it's pretty stable. My kite has been washed a couple of time by the waves and the camera is still there.
Here the edited video of the session. Enjoy!

4 commenti:

IL MAO ha detto...

Complimenti Francesco, sia per le evoluzioni sul kite (sei stato fortunato con il vento nel weekend :-) che per il video, molto bello come tutti gli altri della Spaghetti Production :-)
Domandina tecnica: è stata una scelta di girare il video in verticale, o te ne sei accorto dopo :-) ?
Ciao, Maurizio.

Checco ha detto...

Grazie al mio unico assiduo lettore ;)

In realtá tutto é dovuto al sistema di montaggio "home made" che non permette una ripresa orizzontale.

IL MAO ha detto...

Sai, a me piace farmi del male ... controllare le webcam dei laghi lombardi tutte le mattine per vedere quelli che fanno windsurf, e vedere i video dei fortunati come te che hanno solo l'imbarazzo della scelta di spot "casalinghi" :-)

Checco ha detto...

Mai lavorare in una cittá che si trovi a piú di 100km dal mare!!